Friday 4 January 2013

A Guide For Festival Go'ers Part 1

This is me at T in The Park 2012.. mud.

Although it may seem like a lifetime away right now, it will not be long before the summer dawns on us music fans and we have to prepare for festival season. If you do not prepare adequately for a music festival, you are asking for trouble, so here are Hard Vibes' top tips on surviving a music festival:

 Take the correct clothing

The weather likes to play tricks on festival go-ers, luring them into a false sense of security with some sun, before slamming it down with rain, so ensure you have packed a variety of clothes. Here's a list of must have clothing items:

Wellington boots
Long socks (For wellies)
Waterproof jacket
Sun glasses
Straw Trilby

I know, this seems like a very mixed list, however you have to be prepared for all weathers or you will not have a good time.

Don't take any valuables

Things get lost very easily at festivals, especially if you leave them in your tent! So take a cheap phone to get hold of your friends, and a disposable cameras for pictures of your weekend!

Keep your money split in separate pockets, that way if some gets stolen.. it's not all your money gone for the weekend.

Position your tent carefully

Not the best place to position a tent, bottom of the hill
Position your tent somewhere that is not going to collect water if it rains heavily (which is likely).

Avoid placing your tent at the bottom of a hill, or in a dip as it will simply collect water and flood your tent. Also, try not to place your tent right next to pathways, as when the mud begins to collect.. you get lots of mud on your tent.

Check out which campsite you want to be in, as many festivals have different sections of campsite.. some for families and some for the rowdy.

Buy a programme

Usually around £5, a programme is a must buy when visiting a festival as it tells you what times bands are on, and at which stage.. without this you have no way of knowing.

This also contains a map of the festival, so you know where you are going and a book of which bands to check out at the festival.. some huge bands, some smaller.

Get to know your surroundings

Have a wander round and get to know where you will be for the next few days, there are many different stalls and things to do around music festivals.. and you may pick up some good deals!

Doing this gives you a chance to see where all the stages are, so you will know where to go later on to see a band. 

Go early to see you favourite bands

If one of your favourite bands is playing, go to the stage early to get a good view, even if it means watching another act that you may not like.. it's worth it! 

Watch out for secret sets

Festival organisers like to spice things up occasionally and have secret sets from big bands. This happened at Reading 2012 when Green Day played an unannounced set in the NME/Radio 1 tent at 11am.

At the front to see The View, who played under their fan base
name "The Dryburgh Soul Band"
Sometimes bands will play under a different name to fool festival go-ers, so do your research before you leave and see if there are any rumours!

Check out the smaller stages

Obviously festivals have some huge names in music performing, but make sure you check out the smaller stages throughout the weekend, you might surprise yourself and discover a band you never knew even existed.

Take food and drink with you

Food and drink stalls are extortionately expensive at festivals, so take snacks and drink with you.. but be warned, you cannot take these into the area, so either hide down your trousers.. or finish it before you enter the arena.

I hope this helps those planning to go to a festival this year.. there will be Part 2 of this post, with a tick list of what to take and what not to.


1 comment:

  1. come check us out for all your festival chat and tickets,
