Sunday 13 January 2013

GUEST POST (CoCo Wong) 'Everything Everything- Arc' Review


Arc by Everything Everything is probably one of the most highly-anticipated albums of 2013, and they surely did not disappoint. 

  The album kicks off with the two singles taken from the album, Cough Cough and Kemosabe, which made me feel more familiarised with the album than I actually am. The track which follows has an equally ear-catching opening, a sophisticated drum solo, until it is pierced by Jonathan’s signature falsetto. It has got an amazing chorus, a rather unexpected change from the simplistic opening. A track featuring a similar progression is Feet For Hands, which has got acoustic guitar riffs to start with, soon developing into a very powerful track thanks to the pulsating drums. 

  Towards the end of the album, Armourland reminds me heavily of video games music, its beginning sounds 8-bit, fragmented like pixilated games. The lyrics do paint a narrative not dissimilar to the various worlds in a Mario game, in Everything Everything’s very own ‘Armourland’, why not. The last track Don’t Try didn’t really grab me upon the first listen, but it started growing on me after a few repeats. The chorus is definitely a sing-along one, making it quite the ideal song to play live. 

  Arc is a great follow-up to Man Alive and I will not be surprised to see it being shortlisted for the Mercury Prize this year. 


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