Wednesday 9 January 2013

Reuniting- Good or Bad?

So, it has come to my attention recently that many a band are reuniting, which raises the question.. why?

If a band left such a legacy behind, then why do they feel the need to once again release material? I have come to two conclusions, either the love of music, or money. I can't see bands such as The Rolling Stones reuniting for financial reasons, so the only reason left is the love of music.

Bands and artists such as The Stone Roses, David Bowie, The Happy Mondays, Blur and recently mentioned The Rolling Stones have reunited in recent years.. but does their new material match the old? (If they have released any at all)

The Rolling Stones- Doom and Gloom

Doom and Gloom, as a track, is superb! However, watching The Rolling Stones rocking out at 69 years of age somehow seems not quite right. The Stones recently said they'd perform until the day they die, but I'm not convinced by this.. Jagger's dance moves should have been left in the past, along with the remarkable legacy the Brits past on for British guitar music.

David Bowie- Where Are We Now?

As a fan of Bowie, I am disappointed to say.. I'm not a fan of this new track. Ziggy has long gone and David's voice sounds worn out on this track. In a similar way to Paul McCartney, Bowie's age appears to be taking it's tole, although I wish it weren't, and a new album seems to be on the cards.


Damon Albarn seems caught between Blur and his 'new' project Gorillaz, which is a shame, because both produced wonderful pieces of music. From 'Parklife' to 'Demon days' Albarn has showed his wonderful talent, but he needs to fully commit to Blur, or leave it for good.

The Stone Roses

The Stone Roses' reunion was one of the most anticipated, and they have blown people away with recent performances... of old tracks. The Manchester lads have yet to release any new material, which I am not disappointed about, because the classics are what the fans want to hear!

Many other bands have reunited over the years, but is it really the same? No is the answer, with another example being Guns 'n' Roses @ Reading and Leeds. I would love to hear everyone's view on this, but I feel bands should leave their legacy behind them and move on.

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