Thursday, 29 November 2012

The Beauty Of Vinyl

Once a cherished item by all that enjoyed their music, no matter the genre, the vinyl seemed to fade into the background once CDs and downloads came into being. However, once again there is an influx of youth that have re-discovered the beauty.

It’s a sad thought that many children in the current generation will go through life without ever having listened to music on its original recording format. Many children will never experience the tangible rewards of owning their very first vinyl, and will never share the moment with their father of being taught to “Treat the record like you would a beautiful woman” as you place the needle down for the first time.

Respect for music seems to have been lost due to the digital culture that has developed over the years, with the writers, producers and labels taking little credit for what has been created. How many children in modern day could name three record labels? How many could name three record labels two generations ago? These are questions have simple answers. One of the most iconic bands ever, The Beatles, were signed to Parlophone; and nearly every teenager in the 1960s could have told you this. I would predict that 90% of teenagers in the present day would not know who One Direction are signed to.

Records, Cassettes and CDs are being bought less and less as a whole, fans instead choosing to download from iTunes or an equivalent. This has put many independent record stores out of business. Record stores were previously a place where the youth went on a weekend to spend their hard earned money, but these have gradually faded away with Record Store Day clutching on to the loyal following of true music enthusiasts.

Sales of vinyl have improved once again, with HMV doubling their stocks to support the demand, however these are not cheap, with an average price of £20 for an album. This is another reason why vinyl has faded out, its increase in price. 

But if everyone listened to vinyl now, would it still be as special?

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